endorsement without recourse
- endorsement without recourse
індосамент без обігу; безобіговий індосамент; індосамент без обігового права вимоги на індосанта
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans.
S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko.
Смотреть что такое "endorsement without recourse" в других словарях:
without recourse — adverb conditional endorsement, qualified endorsement, restricted, subject to terms associated concepts: endorsement without recourse Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 without recourse … Law dictionary
without recourse — (law and commerce) A qualified endorsement of a bill or promissory note indicating that the endorser takes no responsibility for non payment • • • Main Entry: ↑recourse * * * Finance a formula used to disclaim responsibility for future nonpayment … Useful english dictionary
without recourse — sans recours Words that appear on a bill of exchange to indicate that the holder has no recourse to the person from whom it was bought, if it is not paid. It may be written on the face of the bill or as an endorsement. If these words do not… … Accounting dictionary
without recourse — sans recours Words that appear on a bill of exchange to indicate that the holder has no recourse to the person from whom it was bought, if it is not paid. It may be written on the face of the bill or as an endorsement. If these words do not… … Big dictionary of business and management
without recourse financing — Financing in which the right of recourse to the party receiving funds is forfeited to the party advancing funds. This may be evidenced by conditions added to the endorsement of a draft being sold by an exporter in order to protect the exporter,… … Financial and business terms
recourse — /rəˈkɔs / (say ruh kaws) noun 1. resort or application to a person or thing for help or protection, as when in difficulty: to have recourse to someone. 2. a person or thing resorted to for help or protection. 3. Commerce the right to resort to a… …
recourse — re·course / rē ˌkōrs, ri kōrs/ n 1 a: the act of turning to someone or something for assistance esp. in obtaining redress b: a means to a desired end esp. in the nature of a remedy or justice; also: the end itself 2: the right or ability to… … Law dictionary
endorsement — en·dorse·ment also in·dorse·ment n 1: the act or process of endorsing 2: an inscription (as a signature or notation) on a document or instrument; esp: an inscription usu. on the back of a negotiable instrument that transfers or guarantees the… … Law dictionary
qualified endorsement — see endorsement Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. qualified endorsement … Law dictionary
qualified endorsement — noun : an endorsement passing title to a commercial paper but disclaiming liability of the indorser should the party primarily liable fail to pay when due * * * qualified endorsement, (in business) an endorsement with the words “without recourse” … Useful english dictionary
conditional endorsement — index without recourse Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary